Friday, October 27, 2006


Fibble wibble fibble wibble fibble wibble fibble wibble...

I have had 10 phone calls today. Only 2 were legit...
If another bloody sales call comes through, I am going to go to work tomorrow!

And yes! I KNOW that it's Saturday tomorrow!!!!!

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

On a happy note, I'm going out to a concert and shall be shopping for some SWEET eye-candy. God knows that I have been a good girl and will allow me to have some fun tomorrow. Please.

By the way, I have had 3 coffees this evening, so I am running up and down the walls a bit.

1 comment:

marysia i bartek said...

Widzisz, co się dzieje od nadmiaru kawy - a we mnie wlałaś dziś tyle, że chodzę po ścianach. Oj oj.