Thursday, September 14, 2006

Learning 3 languages...

Good Day, Bonjour, Dzien dobry, Konnichiwa!

A spectacularly long and international set greeting for my very first blog! Who inspired me to start this? I believe that I can happily blame Ruth! :)

In any case, I'm such a nutter for taking on 3 languages. Why?! What hath possessed me to do this? A love of learning new languages? Or a 'healthy' masochistic streak? The jury is still out on that one, as far as I am concerned.

As I messaged Ruth, I have been trying to pronounce the letter 'r' in Japanese. I felt my friend Ayako's pain when I kept valiantly missing the mark...more practice is very much required, but I am enjoying it immensely. Learning the language, not torturing poor Ayako!

Writing in Japanese is going to be a hoot. Literally. That will be the sound I will make interred in my little white padded room...

However! All is not lost! I have already memorised quite a few Kanji (Chinese characters), but I have yet to begin learning Hiragana and Katakana. Maybe I am being a bit too ambitious?! No! I will be resolute! My ultimate goal? To be fluent in all 3 languages. Now, that's ambitious...


~R said...


Most excellent, this foray into the blogosphere! :)

Indeed, studying new languages requires a certain attraction to adversity, and a willingness to accomodate oneself to vulnerability and humiliation. A most noble direction for any young woman.

I am kind of attracted to the notion of Farsi and Turkish. But for now, I must--I simply must--brush up on my beautiful Russian.

Not that my Russian is beautiful. Russian is beautiful. Mine is in need of some serious tender loving care.

Cornflake Girl said...

Thank you Ruth!

I can see you're very much bitten by the language bug as I! ;) Crikey, Farsi and Turkish?! You're such a polymath! :) I am aiming for this status - there is so much to see, to do to learn! I feel as though my brain will burst at the sheer volume of exciting and interesting information that exists in the world...

I have not heard you speak Russian as yet, but I am willing to bet that you sound melodious. Improving what you have already learnt and adding to the knowledge you have already acquired is an excellent idea.


Be kind to yourself Ruth! You have achieved so much in your life up to now and I believe that you are going to achieve great things in the future. Admit it to yourself that you are an amazing young woman! :)

The other 2 languages in my life need a serious injection of the practice and 'doing my homework' French teacher smacked me over the head with a book last week because I had forgotten (again! WAIL!) certain words and I had not completed my homework...his further threat? The book will be thicker next time, if I turn up unprepared...

OK! I respond to violence! Who wouldn't?! A tough teacher! ;) However, never fear it was a light smack and I deserved it. He works hard to help me to improve my French...but I am still afraid of not bringing my homework in...


In any case, keep at it Ruth. You're heading for the dizzying heights of success. Just remember to look down now and again...and smell the flowers.