Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ouch and Yuck

Yes, as I predicted my French teacher not only smacked me over the head again, but it was a thicker book...You can say one thing for him. He makes good on his promises!

Trotting to the station this morning, I espied an old gentleman standing on the corner. He is there nearly every morning. Why, I am not sure. Is it because he is involved in some social experiment; watching people rushing to work, watching their body language, seeing the earnest determined looks on their faces as they rush to catch their preferred mode of transportation. Could it be that he is an anthropologist?

Or could he be lonely? By watching the people rushing past allows him to somehow remained connected?

Or is he just crazy drug dealer and waiting there for the next batch of crack?

I can make hundreds of assumptions, as to why that old chap stands there in the mornings, and not arrive to the truth. At the end of the day, does it really matter why he stands there and does what he does? I suppose it is just because I'm a nosy so-and-so

On another note...

In this instance, I could not assume, it was a damn fact! After I popped down on my seat on the train, a couple came and sat in the seats in front of me. No objection there. However! It became quickly apparent that he had a stinker of a cold. He was blowing his nose into an already threadbare tissue, but that was not my main objection...

He wiped his nose on the back of his hand, on the front of his hand, including his other hand. My stomach turned. I am not a fan of excretions of mucus, especially spread around in that manner. His girlfriend (I am assuming here...) said something like, 'You're sick!' I thought, good for you! Tell him that he is being disgusting! Until I realised that she was being sympathetic about his cold and not the revolting habit he was displaying to the rest of us.


I think that the old man was indulging in a hobby similar to mine - watching and observing people.

A worthy pastime or just a waste of time?


~R said...

:) Given what the poor man sees, we can assume that whatever pleasure he gets from it has its nuances.

I'm very sorry to hear about how French is abusing you. However, is not to abuse the number one motive for speaking French at all?

:) ~ R

Cornflake Girl said...

But of course! And to sound very sexy whilst you are abusing that certain someone! Now you know the truth! ;) Haha!