Friday, October 27, 2006


Fibble wibble fibble wibble fibble wibble fibble wibble...

I have had 10 phone calls today. Only 2 were legit...
If another bloody sales call comes through, I am going to go to work tomorrow!

And yes! I KNOW that it's Saturday tomorrow!!!!!

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

On a happy note, I'm going out to a concert and shall be shopping for some SWEET eye-candy. God knows that I have been a good girl and will allow me to have some fun tomorrow. Please.

By the way, I have had 3 coffees this evening, so I am running up and down the walls a bit.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Calm waters

Have read the good bollocking from Ruth. Always good to have, as she knows what she's on about and I believe that she gives good kicks up backsides. Thanks Ruth! :)

October has been a strange month. Full of ups and downs, but not too bad.

Things seem to have settled a bit. I completed an exam 2 days ago and passed with a reasonable 80%. Hence, I was pleased to get out of the office, because I have taken 4 days off and am now at the flat. Sorting through the mess of my little (but meaningful!) life. Of course, I'm not doing that right this minute, as I am updating mon blog...hee!

On a bright and VERY HAPPY note, I am most pleased to report that T got a new job! Go T! Congratulations! You deserve it mate!

Muria came back to London last week for a few days from the middle of the jungle on the other side of the world, and I think that she was pleased to be back, to see Molly (and only Molly - we were definitely secondary), and of course to paint the floor in the flat...the latter is fast becoming a tradition and not a necessity! ;p

Day 2 of being at the flat, I am getting somewhere...I think. Still LOADS to do, but I think that I have made some headway, which is always good.

Hmmm...there is the office Xmas party coming up...I do not want to go on my own. I might ask someone to come with me, but not sure if I'll go in the 1st place. Might be good politically speaking but I am, as Mark so eloquently put it, a nightmare to take out anywhere to eat. My diet is so strict that it becomes really very difficult to find something on the menu to chew.

Sigh. Never mind! At least, I hope that my Xmas leave will be approved and I can have a nice long break over the festive period. Here's hoping!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

What a surprise

OK. It's official.

Boss does not like me in the slightest.

I was under that impression already, however, it solidified after the little incident this morning.

Boss asked me to produce a list of 10 of the most frequently asked questions that staff ask of me, and provide answers to these questions.

Once I completed this list, I gave it to him, and he began to read through it and make his amendments.

When he'd finished, he rolled over in his chair saying, 'OK, this is really good.' Which surprised me, because Boss does not compliment or praise me very much. In fact, a snowball has a better chance in the fiery depths of Hades than moiself receiving positive feedback from him. Other people in the company do so in their droves (including clients), but not him.

So, because I am rather self-deprecating, I said, 'Really, are you sure? I thought that it might be a bit rubbish.'

What he did next almost floored me.

He looked at me, and proceded to tear the sheets of paper in front of me.


He only managed to tear about 10 cm into them, when he stopped after seeing the expression on my face. I was aghast.

"So they're rubbish then? Why did you bother sending them to me then? Do they need a rewrite?"

I stated that no, but that I was not sure if it was good enough, because it was the first time I had ever compiled anything like this.

He asked again, if they needed a rewrite, to which I replied, "No, they're fine." He was sarcastic and aggressive (like a pissed off duck) during this whole episode.

Later, I thought about this incident and it occurred to me that his ego (that most sacred thing to all) might have taken my comment against his ability to judge a piece of writing as being good or not.

OK, however. Let me make a point here. Doing what he did, was incredibly poor management of the situation. Not just that, it was a COMPLETELY inappropriate and irrational reaction to my statement which was aimed at myself and NOT at him.

He didn't bother finding out what I meant by that, and just by the by, I have been working with this man for nearly 2 years now. I have displayed similar behavioural patterns before, because I am not too confident in my work (not surprising, considering I don't know where my work stands because he doesn't let me know where my work stands) and will deprecate it first before anyone else because I feel that it does not measure up. Not right, I know, but I'm working on it, dammit!

You may well ask, why the hell didn't I say all this to his face? I HATE confrontation, and I am sure that he knows that well enough, and uses that to his advantage.

Well. I was a little on the upset side, so I went and paid a visit to Big Cheese's sprog. We had a chat and she suggested that I document all the things that he does, so when it comes to it - if it does come to it - I have more than just a leg to stand on.

However. Boss is a wiley fox. He's Teflon Man. No shit will stick to this man. I have witnessed people try their damndest, but he emerges pristine without a trace of any stain. The debate: do I try to take on my Boss, or do I leave it and go on, as though it has not touched me at all, and it's of no consequence to me?

Plus, I was reminded today, of another thing that happened earlier this year. It was not an incident, so never fear.

He was getting married to his 2nd wife, so as his 2nd in line, I thought it my duty to get a wedding card, get all the consultants to sign it (including the CEO) and get money from all of them to get them a wedding present from the whole company. I bought a big card, which was filled to bursting point with the best wishes from all the other consultants and I managed to collect around £150. So with this money, I bought vouchers from the House of Frazer, and I presented them to him on the day he was going on his long holiday to have his wedding and honeymoon.

He blushed a tomato red, when I presented him with the card and the vouchers. I made sure that no one was gathered (this was also the advice of a couple of the directors), because I know that he hates a ceremony with lots of people.

I said cheerfully, that it was tough to get everyone's signatures (it's an open plan office) without him possibly guessing what I was up to.

His reply?

"Actually, I thought you were skiving off your work."

No comment here, apart from one word, which I feel is entirely appropriate under these circumstances and all others I have put up with.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Sigh. Everyone listen to Tori Amos' song 'Seaside.' Love it. I have it thanks to Mark! Thanks hun! You get an honorary mention 'ere. ;)

I'm doing that a lot right now. Sighing deeply. There's a big decision for me to make. T will probably slice 'n dice me, because I'm considering this job opportunity at work that Big Spex has intimated that he'd like me to apply for. Could I deal with the inevitably increased stress for at least a year? Could I sacrifice that much to make it to Japan?

Hang on!

I haven't even got the job yet, let alone applied for it!

Hmm. I think that I'll give it a try, because it will be working with a different set of people & ultimately, I am in this job at the moment simply because of the money, so nothing new there. Others have put up with far greater pains in their lives, so really...give this silly mare a slap!

I will speak to Big Spex tomorrow though. I want to really be sure of what I might be getting into. I do not want to walk willy-nilly into the lion's mouth without knowing where the plank of wood is hidden to jam open the jaws...

And if you think that's cryptic, you should have seen me today...I kept telling Sylvia that her tea was in the white mug when in my head my voice was shouting that it was in the other mug...and this happened 3 times before I could get it out.

Exit left before the men in white coats see me...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Manly yet Prudish

Christ. When the receptionist is away, I absolutely LOATHE booking travel for the consultants. Today, I was asked to book their rooms online at this hotel. I couldn't find 3 single rooms for them on the website, so I opted for one single room and one twin room, which turned out to be cheaper anyway, and that's what this company loves - cheap as chips. Plus, I might add that I was deep in work with plenty of deadlines.

Dear me, if this did not raise a stink! Oh my word it was laughable. The response I received from one of the 3 was as follows:

"We've just rung the Hotel and there are rooms available. Don't know why you've been told there aren't any but I'm certainly not sharing a room, sorry. If you wanted to call and book with the hotel you can call them directly on xxxxx. They have rooms available for £89 or £119 each. If you can't arrange in time then do let me know - maybe I can conference in on the telephone for sections I need to be involved with."

This is coming from the same bloke who asked me to book it online, because 'you can save more.'
Yes! Save more, and bring out the prudish side to your personality! For crying out loud. It's only sharing a room, not sleeping in the same bed! You'd think I was asking them to be 'bed mates!'

So, of course, this travels round the office, and I'm getting comments like, 'So, you asked A and D to share a room? Why? There were single rooms available, you know.'
Lord, give me strength...

Now, Big Spex has told me that the job in the other department has been advertised, so this is my opportunity to apply for it. He had sent me the Job Specification for this role and you know what? It seems awfully similar to what I'm doing at the moment. That is, cleaning up after other people at work and taking orders from stressed out people. Be it the documentation, the system, or the men's toilets (don't ask, it was the lowest point of working there), this is something I think that I need to get out of.

Please Universe! Show me the way!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Doing the Wasabi Blush..

An ordinary day, an ordinary lunchtime...

Yowza! I couldn't believe it! Standing in the queue, already ordered my Tofu Jahang (which is yummy, by the way), a man behind me, queuing with his 2 mates, taps me on the shoulder.

And asks, 'Have you been done already?'

To which his 2 mates, in unison, gasped in horror.

To which I replied, rather indignantly, 'Not lately, no, not that I'm aware of.'

The 2 mates roared with laughter, the man had the grace to look sheepish, but he did not apologise...

One of his friends then said to me, 'You're allowed to hit him.'

I stated, 'I don't hit anything lower than myself.'

Sigh. The sexual harrassment never seems to stop. Keep going, I say! ;)