Konnichiwa Mina-san!
The time: 19:08 GMT
The Date: 30th November 2006
The Place: Paddington Station, London, UK
The Situation: Mobile Clubbing or as I'd like to call it, 'Flash Mob Dance Baby!'
Yes, T sent an e-mail and in it held the key to the phenomenon that I had read about before & definitely wanted to try...
Unfortunately, T couldn't make it, so I thought to myself, 'Why the hell not go on my own?' They who dare win!
So, I brought along Madonna's new album 'Confessions' as it's really the only 'dance' album I have at the moment.
As I was sitting on the tube, I looked at the people sitting around me and I wondered who amongst them would be joining me for this dance-a-thon. Arriving at Paddington Station, I decided to check out the 'venue.' I surveyed the area, and what did I espy?
Yes! You read me right!
Plus some employees from the station standing, watching and waiting. One chap walked past me and there in big black bold letters on his high-vis vest was 'Incident Management.' You wot?! C'mon! Ahahahaha! As though they were expecting a riot... If it was that serious, then there would be many more policemen and policewomen swarming around the station. ;p
I watched the clock. 19:00. People began to gather in small groups. I noticed this chap with a video camera who had his iPod earphones in. We looked at one another. He winked. We had understood one another. He too was a mobile clubber!
19:15, and the area was dense with people smiling cheekily at one another, feeling slightly self conscious but with an air of determination to do the deed - to dance!
19:18, a ROAR went up and...
What was this feeling? I saw happy smiling funny cheeky funky cheesy dancing people. I felt warm inside, I felt my body suffused with this wonderful feeling of feeling part of something bigger, brighter, better.
I saw people become exhibitionists, with crazy moves, gyrating, jumping, twirling, with hands pumping the air. I saw HAPPY people.
What a difference a dance makes...
I'm pleased to say that I kept up with everyone and danced for an hour non stop; now and again I would yell out, nay SCREAM out and a roar would go up all round, joining me.
20:18, an hour and this brought an 'official end' to the dancing. However, there were those who still kept going. I had to depart, as my bed was calling out my name. I moved away from the jiving bodies and I removed my headphones....
What a different viewpoint. I could hear my music so clearly with my headphones on, and felt the beat, yet without it, all I could hear was the scuffling of feet, and few 'yeahs.' I felt a little bereft, as though I'd lost something somewhere. Everyone who was still dancing could hear their own music, had their own rythym, their own beat.
However. I had just had a great time with complete strangers in a train station. All good clean fun. There was no violence, no lewd or improper behaviour. The police who were watching were smiling at us, and sometimes laughing at us. People would stop and stare, some would join in. Apparently, nearly 3000 people came to this event...3000! The largest gathering of mobile clubbers in the UK, ever. And...it was peaceful. Just for fun. Just to let out your anger, your fustration, your weariness through the medium of dance without worrying about looking like a prat, because well...there were 3000 others just like you!
I went away feeling chilled out, and feeling as though I'd stumbled upon (with the fabulous help of T - bless your cotton socks!) a secret club and was initiated in a bizarre ritual.
I felt great. Liberated even. Go on, try it out! Website address:www.mobile-clubbing.com.
Thank you to my mates who were checking out my blog and reported to me that I have been lax in updating my blog. BAD ME! I apologise mes amies!
It's been a little hectic of late, things have been a-happenin', and my mind is worn to a frazzle unfortunately. I need my Christmas holiday, BADLY.
Good news, I have taken a step closer to realising a 'dream.' It's not a 'complete' dream, but I had to make something up, so that I could work towards something rather than float aimlessly through existence being no help to myself or to anyone else for that matter.
So, thanks to you for being my mate, whoever you are, reading this blog. Thanks for everything, and remember....
'Dance in the streets, not in your room'
Although, it does help, if you're not on your own, say with about 3000 others... ;)
The time: 19:08 GMT
The Date: 30th November 2006
The Place: Paddington Station, London, UK
The Situation: Mobile Clubbing or as I'd like to call it, 'Flash Mob Dance Baby!'
Yes, T sent an e-mail and in it held the key to the phenomenon that I had read about before & definitely wanted to try...
Unfortunately, T couldn't make it, so I thought to myself, 'Why the hell not go on my own?' They who dare win!
So, I brought along Madonna's new album 'Confessions' as it's really the only 'dance' album I have at the moment.
As I was sitting on the tube, I looked at the people sitting around me and I wondered who amongst them would be joining me for this dance-a-thon. Arriving at Paddington Station, I decided to check out the 'venue.' I surveyed the area, and what did I espy?
Yes! You read me right!
Plus some employees from the station standing, watching and waiting. One chap walked past me and there in big black bold letters on his high-vis vest was 'Incident Management.' You wot?! C'mon! Ahahahaha! As though they were expecting a riot... If it was that serious, then there would be many more policemen and policewomen swarming around the station. ;p
I watched the clock. 19:00. People began to gather in small groups. I noticed this chap with a video camera who had his iPod earphones in. We looked at one another. He winked. We had understood one another. He too was a mobile clubber!
19:15, and the area was dense with people smiling cheekily at one another, feeling slightly self conscious but with an air of determination to do the deed - to dance!
19:18, a ROAR went up and...
What was this feeling? I saw happy smiling funny cheeky funky cheesy dancing people. I felt warm inside, I felt my body suffused with this wonderful feeling of feeling part of something bigger, brighter, better.
I saw people become exhibitionists, with crazy moves, gyrating, jumping, twirling, with hands pumping the air. I saw HAPPY people.
What a difference a dance makes...
I'm pleased to say that I kept up with everyone and danced for an hour non stop; now and again I would yell out, nay SCREAM out and a roar would go up all round, joining me.
20:18, an hour and this brought an 'official end' to the dancing. However, there were those who still kept going. I had to depart, as my bed was calling out my name. I moved away from the jiving bodies and I removed my headphones....
What a different viewpoint. I could hear my music so clearly with my headphones on, and felt the beat, yet without it, all I could hear was the scuffling of feet, and few 'yeahs.' I felt a little bereft, as though I'd lost something somewhere. Everyone who was still dancing could hear their own music, had their own rythym, their own beat.
However. I had just had a great time with complete strangers in a train station. All good clean fun. There was no violence, no lewd or improper behaviour. The police who were watching were smiling at us, and sometimes laughing at us. People would stop and stare, some would join in. Apparently, nearly 3000 people came to this event...3000! The largest gathering of mobile clubbers in the UK, ever. And...it was peaceful. Just for fun. Just to let out your anger, your fustration, your weariness through the medium of dance without worrying about looking like a prat, because well...there were 3000 others just like you!
I went away feeling chilled out, and feeling as though I'd stumbled upon (with the fabulous help of T - bless your cotton socks!) a secret club and was initiated in a bizarre ritual.
I felt great. Liberated even. Go on, try it out! Website address:www.mobile-clubbing.com.
Thank you to my mates who were checking out my blog and reported to me that I have been lax in updating my blog. BAD ME! I apologise mes amies!
It's been a little hectic of late, things have been a-happenin', and my mind is worn to a frazzle unfortunately. I need my Christmas holiday, BADLY.
Good news, I have taken a step closer to realising a 'dream.' It's not a 'complete' dream, but I had to make something up, so that I could work towards something rather than float aimlessly through existence being no help to myself or to anyone else for that matter.
So, thanks to you for being my mate, whoever you are, reading this blog. Thanks for everything, and remember....
'Dance in the streets, not in your room'
Although, it does help, if you're not on your own, say with about 3000 others... ;)